2day went bec to seremban~~
celebrate my granma birthday~~
damm hapi 2day^^haha
on d way bec~~jz photo photo~~
1 hour leh~~ntg can do~~sienz..

wen they were chating~~

after tat v go viseted my ''nai ma''~~
haha^^long time no c~~
i thinks around 3 month dun have c them~~
so~~v hapi 2day~~haha
after viseted my ''nai ma''~~
v all go sing k wif my aunt n uncle n oso cousin~~^^
shuang lor^^all v noisy~~
haha~~dun noe they all sing wat~~
all old song~~
my aunt ply me~~wan me sing 4 poh poh~~
aiyo!!i jz 4llow lar~~
wat can i do??respect them~~
''guo huo''
after tat v bec early~~bcz wan went bec serdang~~
my mum bought 1 blueberry cake^^haha
i jz aet at car~~hungry mar~~
2day v hapi^^hahaha
''qi shi wo hen xing fu^^''